Face Book (2014)

This book action has been specially prepared to be used in interactive events with public. Each person is invited to choose a page with which they identify (and in the Bookshop! event they were also asked to explain the reasons for their choice) and have their portrait taken within the pages of a new human encyclopedia, a work in progress. First used at the closing night event at The Kessler Battaglia gallery (1/2/14).

Esta libro-acción ha sido preparado para ser empleado en eventos interactivos con el publico.consistió en una invitación al público para que ser retratados en video dentro de las páginas de una enciclopedia previamente preparada para que las páginas enmarcaron la cara. Cada persona eligió la página con que identificaba y explicaba sus motivaciones por su elección.

Face Book (2014)

This book action has been specially prepared to be used in interactive events with public. Each person is invited to choose a page with which they identify (and in the Bookshop! event they were also asked to explain the reasons for their choice) and have their portrait taken within the pages of a new human encyclopedia, a work in progress. First used at the closing night event at The Kessler Battaglia gallery (1/2/14).

Esta libro-acción ha sido preparado para ser empleado en eventos interactivos con el publico.consistió en una invitación al público para que ser retratados en video dentro de las páginas de una enciclopedia previamente preparada para que las páginas enmarcaron la cara. Cada persona eligió la página con que identificaba y explicaba sus motivaciones por su elección.