Gran Tour (2008-2014)

Gran Tour is a musical project based in the journey made by young english aristocrats to continental europe in which they were supposed to learn about life through travel. It is the basis of modern tourism. In this musical version Gran Tour is a circus, an opera: a balancing act which walks the fine line between art and theatre, classical and experimental music expressed with passion, irony, sadness or pathos, depending on the subject matter of the song.

Themes of loss, desire and a love for nature - all of nature in both human and non human forms are the inspiration for the lyrics which blend with my bowiesque-cabaret aesthetic. Each song is a musical journey in which my lyrics and singing mix the viscerality of punk and flamenco with the classical overtones of the instruments. Video, performance and song are integral parts of this exploration. It has been staged in concert form, as live art and as musical theatre.

Graham Bell Tornado: voice, interpretation
Kapi "le Maquiniste" - piano, percussion and programming
Sara "el Galan" - cello
Toni "Supertonica"- bass

Gran Tour ha sido mi principal proyecto musical por 6 años. Queer poprock, con una estetica bowiesque, un viaje musical donde mis letras y canto mezclan la intimidad del cabaret, la visceralidad del punk y flamenco con las matices clásicas de los instrumentos- el chelo de Sara "el Galan",el bajo de Toni "Supertonica", el piano de Kapi "le maquiniste" - para hacer de cada canción un viaje de descubrimiento.
El video, la performance y la canción son partes integrales de esta exploración.
Graham Bell Tornado: voz, interpretación
Kapi "le Maquiniste" - piano y percusión
Sara "el Galan" - cello
Toni "Supertonica"- bajo

Extinct or Alive?

Video filmed in the abandoned zoo in Valencia in colaboration with Toni Cordero

Extinct or Alive? from Graham Bell Tornado on Vimeo.

Video medley

Video medley of La Gran Gira, Monsanto, Do Gran Tour, The Manners Party & Big Wigs.